About Assisted LivingAssisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.Complete guide to assisted livingBest of 2024 Assisted Living Winners
About Memory CareMemory care facilities provide housing, care, and therapies for seniors who have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia in an environment designed to reduce confusion and prevent wandering. Complete guide to memory careBest of 2024 Memory Care Winners
About Independent LivingIndependent living facilities offer convenient, hassle-free living in a social environment for seniors who are active, healthy, and able to live on their own.Complete guide to independent livingBest of 2024 Independent Living Winners
About Senior LivingSenior living is a term used to describe various housing and care options for older adults from maintenance-free, 55+ facilities for active seniors, to secure, fully staffed facilities for seniors with Alzheimer's or dementia. Complete guide to senior livingFind senior living facilities near you
About Nursing HomesNursing homes provide short-and long-term care for seniors who have physical or mental health conditions that require 24-hour nursing and personal care.Complete guide to Nursing Homes
About Senior ApartmentsSenior apartments offer accessible, no-frills living for seniors who are generally active, healthy, and able to live on their own.Complete guide to Senior Apartments
About Care HomesResidential care homes are shared neighborhood homes for seniors who need a live-in caregiver to assist with activities of daily living, like dressing and bathing.Complete guide to care homes
Veteran ResourcesVA benefits for long-term care, such as Aid and Attendance benefits, can help eligible veterans and their surviving spouses pay for senior care.Guide to VA benefits for long-term care
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10 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Iuka, KY

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Assisted living costs in Iuka average about $3,525 per month. To find the best assisted living options for your needs and budget, browse through 42 communities in Iuka. Our detailed directory has 106 reviews, photos, and lists of available services, amenities, and activities. Assisted living is ideal for seniors who need help with activities of daily living, such as bathing and eating, and prefer a social setting to pursue their interests. These communities offer a variety of dining options, as well as housekeeping services to eliminate daily stresses.

As you explore assisted living near you, you may also want to consider assisted living options in areas like You may also consider nearby communities such as Paducah, Princeton and Benton.

Iuka Assisted Living Facilities | 106 Reviews

Showing 34 communities
Last Updated: 1/24/25
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Photo of Carriage Hall Assisted Living
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My mother presents a problem occasionally, and the caregivers are always polite and caring and inform me of what's going on. And the Administrator goes beyond to make sure the residents are clean, dressed...
Provides: Memory Care, Residential Care Home
Care types provided by this community
Memory Care: Memory care facilities provide housing, care, and therapies for seniors who have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia in an environment designed to reduce confusion and prevent wandering.
Care Homes: Residential care homes are shared neighborhood homes for seniors who need a live-in caregiver to assist with activities of daily living, like dressing and bathing.
Carriage Hall Assisted Living is a senior residential care home that is located in the home rule-class city of Hopkinsville, KY and in Christian county. Hopkinsville is just a short drive to the large land between the lake NRA and the Golden Pond. It is also home to the Hopkinsville Christian...
Provides: Assisted Living, Nursing Homes
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Nursing Homes: Nursing homes provide short-and long-term care for seniors who have physical or mental health conditions that require 24-hour nursing and personal care.
Provides: Assisted Living
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Photo of Gainsville Manor
Provides: Assisted Living
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Provides: Assisted Living, Memory Care
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Memory Care: Memory care facilities provide housing, care, and therapies for seniors who have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia in an environment designed to reduce confusion and prevent wandering.
Age in Place at Charter.The moment you step foot inside our community, you’ll understand why residents and their loved ones instantly become part of the greater Charter Senior Living family. Our personalized approach to Personal Care, Memory Care and Short-Term Stays takes away the worry and adds...
See details
Provides: Assisted Living
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Provides: Assisted Living
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Provides: Assisted Living
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Provides: Assisted Living
Care types provided by this community
Assisted Living: Assisted living facilities offer housing and care for active seniors who may need support with activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, and medication management.
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Cost of assisted living in Iuka, KY

The average cost of senior living in Iuka is $3,525 per month. Cheaper nearby regions include Kuttawa, KY with an average of $2,894 per month.

Average monthly cost of Assisted Living in Iuka, KY vs. nearby cities

Iuka, KY

Average monthly cost of Assisted Living in Iuka, KY vs. the state and national average

Iuka, KY
U.S. national average

Average monthly cost of Assisted Living in Iuka vs. other types of senior living

Assisted Living

Median monthly costs of Assisted Living in Iuka, KY by room type

1 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
Detached Cottage/Bungalow

Average cost of Assisted Living in Iuka over time

Iuka, KYKY stateNational

Ways to pay for Assisted Living in Iuka, KY

Paying for assisted living may seem daunting, but knowing all your options can be empowering. Read about the many private and public payment options that families use to pay for assisted living in Iuka.

What families are saying about assisted living in Iuka

Recent reviews for assisted living in Iuka

Brookstone of Harrisburg

Everything is going quite well for my mom at Brookstone! The facility is well maintained and the staff are doing a great job with my mom. The food is also just fine for her. Overall, we are very pleased with her stay!

The Neighborhood at Paducah

My loved one was previously a resident at The Neighborhood at Paducah. I have all good things to say about this facility. The facility was clean and the staff was professional and friendly. The dining room had cloth table cloths and cloth napkins. The meals looked very good. Communication with ...
Read more

The Bungalows at Mayfield

It's been good so far my mom is doing good there. They keep her fed and gives her activities to do there is always something going on there.

Iuka review score based on 45 family reviews

Review score34 facilities45 reviewsWrite a review
This proprietary review score is based on 45 reviews of 34 Iuka assisted living communities. All reviews were submitted in the past two years by verified community residents and family members.
The Iuka review score informs your search by letting you see at a glance how assisted living residents and family members rate assisted living in your area. Compare review scores in multiple locations to understand how overall satisfaction rates differ from city to city. Based on recent reviews, the maximum possible score is 10.Methodology: How we calculate our city review scores

Iuka review score compared against nearby cities

Iuka, KY34 facilities
Grand Rivers, KY41 facilities
Kuttawa, KY6 facilities

Review subcategories for Iuka assisted living

When assisted living residents and family members submit a review on our site, they rate each community on categories such as cleanliness, activities, meals, and more. The chart below is based on 45 reviews of 34 Iuka assisted living communities. This chart helps you compare Iuka resident and family assisted living satisfaction rates against national averages. Use it to assess your needs and develop criteria for your own search. If you know that one of these categories is important to you or your loved one, our senior living advisors can help you find communities to match your needs.
Iuka, KY averageNational average
Care services
Meals & dining
Value for cost*
*Learn more about cost details

Iuka assisted living services and amenities

These charts highlight some of the many care, dining, and entertainment offerings available in Iuka assisted living communities. They don’t represent all possible services and amenities available at assisted living communities in Iuka, but support comparisons against nationwide offerings. Our Senior Living Advisors can help you find communities that fit your preferences.

Availability of select care services in Iuka assisted living

Assisted living communities offer a variety of care services and visiting health care providers to meet seniors’ health needs. The chart below shows the percentage of assisted living partners in Iuka that offer these care services compared to the percentage of partners that offer them nationally.
Iuka, KYNational
24-Hour awake staff
24-Hour awake staff
Diabetic care
Diabetic care
Non-ambulatory care
Non-ambulatory care
Respite or short term stays
Respite or short term stays
*Including nurse, dentist, OT, PT, speech or podiatrist

Availability of select dementia care services in Iuka assisted living

Our community partners provide many services to keep residents with dementia or other memory concerns safe and engaged. Below, take a look at what percentage of Iuka Assisted Living partners offer the selected dementia care services compared to the percentage of partners nationally.
Iuka, KYNational
Dementia behaviors care
Dementia behaviors care
Specialized memory care training for staff
Specialized memory care training for staff
Secured community and/or wander guard
Secured community and/or wander guard

Availability of select dietary accommodations in Iuka assisted living

Assisted living communities help seniors maintain a balanced diet by accommodating their health needs, allergies, and other restrictions. Below you’ll find the percentage of Iuka partners making specific dietary accommodations for seniors compared to the percentage of assisted living partners making those accommodations nationally.
Iuka, KYNational
Nutritionist / dietician
Nutritionist / dietician

Availability of select dining options in Iuka assisted living

Our assisted living communities know that seniors want top-quality meals and options for how they dine. The chart below indicates the percentage of Iuka communities that offer dining options to their discerning residents compared to our partners nationally.
Iuka, KYNational
Professional chef
Professional chef
Room service
Room service

Availability of select programs and activities in Iuka assisted living

Senior living communities offer a variety of programming to keep seniors socially, mentally, and physically vibrant. The chart below shows what percentage of partnered assisted living communities in Iuka offer the selected activities, amenities, and programs compared to the percentage of partners nationwide.
Iuka, KYNational
Activity director
Activity director
Community service programs
Community service programs
Devotional activities on-site
Devotional activities on-site
Parties / BBQs / happy hour
Parties / BBQs / happy hour
Outings / off-site activities
Outings / off-site activities
Piano or organ
Piano or organ
Arts and crafts center
Arts and crafts center
Clubs / games / karaoke
Clubs / games / karaoke
Live performances
Live performances
Fitness classes
Fitness classes

State regulations for assisted living in Iuka

Safety is a primary concern when seniors and their families look for assisted living. Each state has its own laws and inspection processes to ensure seniors reside in a safe environment. Learning about Kentucky assisted living regulations will help you understand how assisted living communities in Iuka protect seniors.

Learn about Kentucky Assisted Living regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

Brookdale Murray, Rivercrest Place and The Neighborhood at Paducah are the top-rated assisted living facilities near Iuka, Kentucky. See full list of communities.

There are 42 assisted living facilities near Iuka, Kentucky. See the full list.

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